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Aim - PRACTICAL WORK 1: PORTER GOVERNOR (Semester 1, 2019) 1. Aims The aims of this

Theory of machines iii (mtm32ai), central university of technology.


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Warning: TT: undefined function: 32 Table of contents

Aim, Apparatus 1

Theory, Experimental procedure 2

Experimental results 3

Calculations 4

Tabulated results 8

Conclusion, References 9

 To study the variation of the fly balls ' rotation radius r with the sleeve's

vertical movement y.

 To explore the variation of the governor's rotational speed by changing the

sleeve's vertical motion y

 To explore the variation in the governor's rotational speed by changing the

governor's height h

Sketch of the apparatus

Figure 1 Porter Governor (Courtesy MTM32AI Lab Guide)

The component with the fly balls, arms, links and the central dead weight is the

Porter governor and is the main focus of the experiment as outlined in the aim of the

investigation. The mass hanger on the left of the governor serves the purpose of

adding load to the governor. The speed adjustment screw allows the operator to

change the speed of the electric motor running the governor.

Experiment results

Arm length = 125 mm Dead weigh mass = 25 N

Link length = 125 mm Fly balls mass = 5 N

Eccentricity = 25 mm B = 225 mm

Sleeve movement

Additional weight P 1

Additional weight P 2

Governor rotation

Calculations and graphs

Using the sketch below

Figure 2 (Courtesy MTM32AI Lab Guide)

푟 = 퐵퐶 + 푒 =54 + 25 = 79 푚푚

= 0 (퐴푛푡푖푐푙표푐푘푤푖푠푒 +), (0. 510)(79 × 10, 퐴푛푡푖푐푙표푐푘푤푖푠푒 +, (퐵푀)= 푊(퐼푀)+ (, = 5(56 × 10, 79(225 − 0), 2 (79 − 25), 푟 = 퐵퐶 + 푒 =59 + 25 = 84 푚푚, (0. 510)(84 × 10, 푟 = 퐵퐶 + 푒 =63 + 25 = 88 푚푚, 88(225 − 10), 2 (88 − 25).

The first set of rotational speed vs fly ball radius graphs reveal a directly proportional

relationship which is also right according to the theory summary as the fly ball radius

increases with the governor's rising rotational speed. Again in this case, the

theoretical and experimental graphs were mostly parallel to each other and this

validates the theoretical formulae.

The second set of rotational vs. governor height graphs demonstrates that these two

variables are inversely proportional. For most of the graph, the theoretical and

experimental paths are orthogonal and this confirms that the theoretical theorems

are absolutely correct.

The error in the experiment may be due to the following factors:

The sleeve friction that affect the speed readings and the fact that it wasn’t

accounted for in the calculations.

The measurement of the sleeve movement was done with the naked eye and

this is not an accurate tool of measurement.

Mechanics of Machines (Elementary Theory and Examples), 4th edition, Hannah J

and Stephens R C, Edward Arnold, ISBN 0-7131-3471-2.

Theory of Machines, 14th revised edition, R Khurmi and J. Gupta, S. Chand,

ISBN 81- 219 -2524-X

MTM32BI Laboratory Guide, Ms. Olwagen

  • Multiple Choice

Course : Theory of Machines III (MTM32AI)

University : central university of technology.

governor experiment report

Lab Manual | Watt and Porter Governor

AIM :-To perform experiment on Watt and Porter Governors to prepare performance characteristic Curves, and to find stability & sensitivity.

APPARATUS USED:- Watt and Porter Governors.

INTRODUCTION & THEORY :- The function of a governor is to regulate the mean speed of an engine, when there are variations in the load e.g. when the load on an engine increases, its speed decreases, therefore it becomes necessary to increase the supply of working fluid. When the load on the engine decreases, its speed increases and thus less working fluid is required. The governor automatically controls the supply of working fluid to the engine with the varying load conditions and keeps the mean speed within certain limits.

The governors may, broadly, be classified as

  • Centrifugal governor
  • Inertia governor

The centrifugal governors, may further be classified as follows :

1. Pendulum type (Watt governor )

2. Loaded type

(i) Dead weight governor (Porter governor and Proell governor)

(ii) Spring controlled governors (Hartnell governor, Hartung governor, Wilson-Hartnell governor and Pickering governor)

Watt Governor :- The simplest form of a centrifugal governor is a Watt governor. It is basically a conical pendulum with links attached to a sleeve of negligible mass. The arms of the governor may be connected to the spindle in the following three ways :

  • The pivot P, may be on the spindle axis.
  • The pivot P, may be offset from the spindle axis and the arms when produced intersect at O.
  • The pivot P, may be offset, but the arms crosses the axis at O.

Porter Governor :- The porter governor is a modification of a Watt’s governor, with central load attached to the sleeve. The load moves up down the central spindle. This additional downward force increases the speed of revolution required to enable the balls to rise to any to any pre-determined level.


· Mass of the ball (m) = ————-kg.

· Weight of the ball (w)=————Newtons

· Height of the governor (h) = ——- metres

· Minimum equilibrium speed (N 1 ) = —— r.p.m.

· Minimum equilibrium speed (N 2 ) = —— r.p.m.

· Frictional force (F) = ————- Newtons

· Mean equilibrium speed (N) = (N 1 + N 2 )/2 in r.p.m

· Mass of the central load = ———kg.

· Weight of the central load (W) = ——–N

· Angle of inclination of the arm to the vertical (α ) = ——

· Angle of inclination of the link to the vertical (β ) = ——


  • N 2 = 895/h (For watt governor)
  • N 2 = (( m + M (1+q)/2)/m) x ( 895/h) (For porter governor ), where, q = tan β/ tan α
  • Sensitiveness of the governor = 2(N 1 – N 2 )/ N 1 + N 2 = 2 (ω 2 – ω 1 )/ ω 2 + ω 1
  • A governor is said to be stable when for every speed within the working range there is a definite configuration i.e; there is only one radius of rotation of the governor balls at which the governor is in equilibrium. For a stable governor, if the equilibrium speed increases, the radius of governor balls must also increase.


  • Take reading carefully.
  • Measure the angle very carefully.
  • Measure the height of governor carefully.
  • Speed of governor measure accurate.


  • What is the function of a governor ? How does it differ from that of a flywheel ?
  • State the different types of governors. What is the difference between centrifugal and inertia type governors ?
  • Explain the term height of the governor. What are the limitations of a Watt governor ?
  • What is the stability of a governor ?
  • Define the Sensitiveness of governor.
  • Which of the governor is used to drive a gramophone ?
  • The power of a governor is equal to———–.
  • What is hunt?

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3 Responses to “Lab Manual | Watt and Porter Governor”

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vikas meshram

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    Governors are used for maintaining the speeds of engines with in prescribed limits from no load to full load. In petrol engines, the governor controls the ... Repeat the experiment at different speeds till the balls fly to maximum position. 6. Bring back the sleeve down by reducing the speed gradually and stop.


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  6. Aim

    Figure 1 Porter Governor (Courtesy MTM32AI Lab Guide) The component with the fly balls, arms, links and the central dead weight is the. Porter governor and is the main focus of the experiment as outlined in the aim of the. investigation. The mass hanger on the left of the governor serves the purpose of. adding load to the governor.

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