Jun 12, 2020 · Short Essay on A Picnic 200 Words for Kids and Students in English. ... This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below. ... Aug 13, 2021 · In this article, we have tried our best to provide a Short essay on A Picnic for Kids Class 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 in 50, 100, 250, 300, 400, 500 words. Essay on A Picnic in English For Students and Children. A Picnic Essay in 150 words | Essay on a picnic i enjoyed In December and January, we all love to go for a picnic. ... A Picnic with Family Essay for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and others. Find long and short essay on A Picnic with Family in English language for ... ... Nov 10, 2022 · And Stay With Our RK Raihan Website To Get Daily New Posts Like This. a picnic composition, a family picnic essay 200 words, my school picnic essay in english, picnic essay in bengali, A Picnic Essay For Class 6, picnic essay for class 3, importance of picnic essay, planning a picnic essay, picnic essay for class 5, we went on a picnic essay ... ... May 21, 2024 · Picnic came into the civilized life as an outing for the enjoyment of a menu at a definite venue.Here is an Essay on Picnic for all Class Students of 6,7,8,9, 10. ... Jan 6, 2021 · A picnic is a great stress buster. It helps to alleviate the stress and anxiety related to studies and other issues in the family. It takes you away from the boring routine of everyday life. It produces a comforting effect and brings beauty to life. ... These essays will also be proved helpful whenever you are asked to write an essay or give a speech on “School Picnic”. Essay on My School PicnicEssay 1 (200 words) It was the first day in school after first term examination when school picnic for this year was announced in the class. Everyone has been excited since then. ... We love to go outstation for spending a holiday or a picnic, today in this essay paper I am gonna discuss on a visit to a picnic which I enjoyed the most, so let’s dive into the essay. This Essay is Formatted For Class 5 | Class 6 | Class 7 | Class 8 | Class 9 | Clss 10 | Class 11 | Class 12 ... These essays will also be proved helpful whenever you are asked to write an essay or give a speech on “School Picnic”. Essay on School Picnic 200 words. It was the first day in school after first term examination when school picnic for this year was announced in the class. Everyone has been excited since then. ... ">
  • Picnic Essay

500 Words Essay On Picnic

Picnics are one of the most exciting things that children and adults love equally. It helps us divert from daily life and adds a touch of variety to our lives. Moreover, a picnic can take us to another world that is different from the one we live in daily. It adds charm to our life and is a nice refreshment in our life. This picnic essay will tell you about the importance and a school picnic.

picnic essay

Importance of Picnic Essay

Picnics are very important as they add pleasantness to our lives. There are different kinds of picnics that people can enjoy. There are family picnics, school picnics, church picnics, union picnics, and more.

Picnics make our existence smooth and take us out of our daily routine. Moreover, picnics tend to bring out the best in us. We are able to enjoy physically as well as mentally in picnics.

This picnic essay tells you how they are a great way of bringing people together. Whether it is your family or your friends, everyone forms a bond at picnics. It is great for emotional bonding.

Moreover, it gives us a chance to speak out our minds and unwind and relax. Further, we also get to enjoy physical activities during picnics. The walks and games are beneficial to our body and improve our stamina too.

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A School Picnic Essay

My school organized a picnic on Children’s Day. It has been one of the most memorable days of my life. The school took us to a resort that had swings and greenery. We went there by bus with all our friends.

Upon reaching the location, they gave us hot tomato soup as winters were going on. After that, we roamed around the resort that was filled with greenery. I took a lot of photos with my friends and teachers.

During lunchtime, my school gave us a hot and delicious meal which was very nutritious. It had fried cottage cheese, steamed rice, hot chapattis, potato curry and spicy curd. Everyone loved the meal and finished it in no time.

After that, we played a lot of games. The resort was organizing a race so I participated with my friends in it. We got the second position and won a prize containing tasty snacks and fun stationery.

Finally, the picnic ended with a group photo together with our friends and teachers. On our way back, we sang so many songs together and enjoyed it greatly during the picnic.

Conclusion of Picnic Essay

All in all, picnics are great for reigniting love and forming bonds with one another. They enhance your mental and physical health. Also, they keep the light and love glowing that sometimes get lost in our daily lives.

FAQ of Picnic Essay

Question 1: How do we enjoy picnics?

Answer 1: We can enjoy a picnic by taking our favourite food and sports equipment. Make sure you have bedsheets and pillows for a comfortable picnic. You can also take board games with you to make the picnic more interesting.

Question 2: Why is picnic fun?

Answer 2: Picnics are fun because they inspire a sense of mindfulness. Moreover, they bring out our inner child and allow us to have a relaxing time with nature. Picnics will never get old as everyone needs some time off from their daily lives.

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essay on picnic for class 6

Essay on A Picnic in English For Students and Children

We are Sharing an Essay on A Picnic in English for students. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a Short essay on A Picnic for Kids Class 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 in 50, 100, 250, 300, 400, 500 words.

A Picnic Essay in 150 words | Essay on a picnic i enjoyed 

In December and January, we all love to go for a picnic. For is a pleasure trip and we enjoy it very much away from the towns. We select the place somewhere on The bank of rivers and in the cool shades of trees. The weather during these months is ideal for picnics. Of all the places I like Diamond Harbour most. It is an excellent picnic spot. On the bank of the Roughly, there are many places where people go for a picnic during winter. We also go almost every year. Our parents prepare our food and we have all the freedom in the world to play all sorts of games. When food is prepared we bathe in the river and enjoy the feast under the sky. It is a nice experience. After this, we go boating in the river in the afternoon. In the evening we come back home and remember the pleasures for many days.

Related Link- 10 Lines on School Picnic

A School Picnic Essay in 200 words

I was thrilled. We were all going to a picnic from school because it was ‘Children’s Day. My class teacher asked each of us to bring our tiffin’ along and share it with the others. She said she would especially bake a cake for the whole class.

My mother gave me lots of yummy sandwiches and sweets. I also carried a large packet of chips. A huge bus was waiting for us in school and what a lot of noise we all made. We even sang songs, our teacher joined in the clapping.

Once we reached Lodhi Gardens we all ran around laughing and talking. Our teacher had arranged games like musical arms, races, tug-of-war, and lots of other activities.

At lunchtime we all sat together on the mats we had taken along and shared our meal. There was so much to eat. I was so full. When the teacher finally shouted for all of us to gather in one place as it was time to return to school, we all let out a big “no” because we just did not want the picnic to be over.

`Children’s Day is really important because we have so much fun and there are no studies. And the most important thing of all is that our teacher is in a good mood throughout.

Essay on A Picnic in 250 words

Last week, we the students of class VIII, decided to go for a picnic on the banks of the canal outside our hometown.

We made all the necessary arrangements. We arranged for a number of mats, utensils, and other necessary articles.

It was on the last Sunday that we were to go for the picnic. We got up early in the morning and reached the local bus stand at 7.00 a.m. sharp which was the fixed time.

All of us had our bicycles with us. We started for the canal at exactly 7.15 a.m. The canal was situated at a distance of about eight kilometers which was not a long distance.

We rode on our bicycles and moved forward leisurely, cracking jokes and singing songs all the way.

We reached the canal at about 8.00 a.m. A small advance party had already arrived there. They were busy making arrangements for breakfast.

However, all of us decided to have a bath in the canal first. We jumped into the canal and swam merrily, diving for a few moments occasionally.

After about an hour as we came out, we were awfully hungry. All of us fell to eating the tasteful preparations, praising all along those who had prepared them.

After breakfast was over, we removed the carpets and started non-stop dancing to the tune of dizzy music flowing out of the cassettes of renowned musicians that we had brought with us.

Then, there was a short program in which skits, sounds of animals, and parodies of actors and actresses were presented.

Thereafter, we returned home. We were beaming with joy.

#A school picnic paragraph # A Picnic composition

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A Picnic Essay For Class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12

Assalamu Alaikum Dear Students. Today's Topic is a family picnic essay 200 words. If you want to get a picnic composition Well in Your Mind Then You Must Read Carefully. Let's know Today's Topic my school picnic essay in english.

A Picnic Essay

A picnic is an outdoor excursion-a kind of outing attended by feasting and entertainments. It is organized on a voluntary basis, usually with contributions made by Its participants. In general. a spot of natural beauty is selected for the purpose and a full day is spent there in merriment. of th In general, however, picnics are divisible into two kinds in accordance with the composition o the party. There may be a picnic party comprising exclusively of the members of one and the same family, which is not very common in our country. 

There is another kind of picnic in which the party consists of a group of friends or co-students. Students of an institution or a class thereof or even of a particular locality combine to organize these excursions. 

There are some stages to make a picnic successful. The first stage in the preparation is planning. Some one has to originate the idea. speak it to others, whether friends or family members, and then the ball starts roiling. Several places and dates are suggested. At length the whole party sits together and finalizes details of time. date and place as also of edibles and entertainments. 

The next stage is preparation. Almost every member is charged with some responsibility. Some are to arrange conveyance, some others to collect utensils and eatables, while some more have to arrange musical instruments or such others. 

The third stage is the picnic itself. Often many things fall short of the expectation but members make it up by the surging gaiety of their mind. A third-rate song becomes all so enchanting in the pleasant background of the site. A joke. heard a hundred times before, may yet cause immense laughter. Half-baked meat. scorched vegetables or unsalted curry-everything is relished with palate of a glutton. 

The purpose is after all to enjoy at all costs and not to find and deprecate mutual faults. The last stage of the round is the return journey. It is depressing like the end of every joyous festivity. But there is yet some compensation when all the way back the day is talked over and reflected upon. 

Picnics are one of the most pleasurable and exciting forms of diversion. Monotony is undeniably the worst enemy of mental and physical health. But breaking the monotony of life and introducing a touch of variety into the grim routine of existence, picnics make life worth living. 

Picnics In our country are few and far between. Our aged people are either idle or work every day. every week andevery month till they are down with some illness. Our students and youth have little sense of outing and excursion or little attachment to other sources of recreation. It is an unhealthy sign and reacts adversely on their health, mental and physical. Such "all work and no play" should be avoided by all means. 

The End Of The Article: A Picnic Essay For Class 6

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essay on picnic for class 6

Essay on Picnic- Suitable for all class students

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  • Abdul Aouwal
  • May 21, 2024

In olden times people used to lead a nomadic life in an unplanned way. They spent days and nights here and there. They had no permanent dwellings to live in. They ate food cooking here and there. Since then picnic came into the civilized life as an outing for the enjoyment of a menu at a definite venue.

Kinds: Picnic is a diversion. It is of various kinds. One may have a picnic with one's family. This is an escape from the dreariness of domesticity. The relationship between parents and children, between brothers and sisters too often becomes formal and lifeless. An outing in the open air, away from is so necessary to make of a pleasant surprise. Another kind of picnic is with friends. This is for man common with us. The students, teachers and members of clubs often organize it.

Stages of a picnic: A picnic has four stages. The first stage is planning. The second stage is selecting the spot. The third stage is forming of groups and the fourth stage is managing necessary things.

Reasons for the picnic: Hence picnic means to have something asking at a definite venue with a pre-planned menu arranged by people. It is a kind of feast taken together by boys and girls, students and teachers, men and women of different classes and of different tastes. In fact,' man wants to feel happy, enjoy merriment by avoiding the boredom of life. He wants to change, novelty, and variety. ile gets tired, feels bored with a routine or monotonous life.

Variety and change, as he always thinks, add sugar and spice to life. He wants to rest, relaxation, entertainment, enjoyment and holidays after hard work and busy life. He thinks that life becomes a burden without any chance of refreshing moments. A picnic with friends or the members of the family is an excellent opportunity to get relief from routine and dullness. A picnic forms an integral part of life with much-needed rest, relaxation and entertainment.

After such an enjoyment, a man feels quite refreshed and can devote himself to anything. Usually, there is a diversion of labor and responsibility. Some bring one thing and others bring something else. In our country, there are many picnic spots. The participants generally choose some places which are historically important or which are regarded as the World Heritage Sites.

Preparation: Before taking a preparation the participants hold a discussion and communicate a date when they will enjoy it. Each participant is to donate or to make subsidy for the purpose. Many a time the participants hire a bus to escort them to the selected picnic spot. Every participant takes the musical tools, camera, radio, tape-recorder and other things what one has to add something more to the enjoyment. They complete buying necessary things before starting for the venue. There remains nothing untaken, mismanaged, unsought in this regard.

How enjoyed: The participants render their self-services to lessen the pressure of work regarding picnic. After cooking they fall to eating to their heart's contents. They make funs and jokes, using various types of songs with their respective musical instruments, tell funny tales and legends and make merriments at their own suit will. The picnic day has a lot of charms in it.

They leave not even a single item of enjoyment unenjoyed during the picnic period. Some participants tell stories to provide other participants excellent charms and enjoyment without distinction of age, personality, and status. It gives the lovers an opportunity to hold an amorous talk with his/her dear one. It presents an ideal example of a nomadic life. It also opens quite a new chapter in every participant's life. It makes them forget all anxieties and tensions.

Importance: Picnic is not for enjoyment. It has great importance in life. The participants can collect historical data about the venue where they enjoy the picnic. They can come to know about the background of the place, geographical condition, environmental situation and the life of people around the picnic spot. Picnic plays a significant role in man's life. An individual cannot go there individually for want of fund and guide.

Many groups of participants arrange picnics. Each group can come closer to other groups and can exchange their views on bilateral, multilateral and international issues. It widens' their mental horizon and broadens their outlook. What seems unreal at home, maybe real in the picnic spot. Man can learn the lesson of working together practically.

A picnic helps one compose a poem on it or write a verse on it, or write a short story on it. One may feel the poet and literator in oneself. Different talk funs, stories, jokes, and jests may be the elements of writing.

Conclusion: Picnic is a lesson in the art of organization. The leader is to watch whether everything is in order or not. If there is any mistake or a misadventure, it has to be met with humor and laughter. A picnic is not for those who want everything to be tidy and orderly as at home. Only those who are able to accommodate themselves to discomforts and minor lapse can really enjoy a picnic. A picnic costs a little but gives great pleasure, charm, enjoyment and makes the participants social, cultural and liberal.

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essay on picnic for class 6

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Smart English Notes

Essay on A Picnic With Friends For Students and Children

A picnic essay.

A picnic is a great stress buster. It helps to alleviate the stress and anxiety related to studies and other issues in the family. It takes you away from the boring routine of everyday life. It produces a comforting effect and brings beauty to life. Moreover, it provides us with complete opportunities to study the book of Nature as Shakespeare says. “We find sermons in stones, tongues, in trees and books in running brooks”. Picnics, tours and tours are as important as food and drink.

Last Monday, we were granted a special holiday. My friends and I made a programme and set out in the morning for a beach picnic. At 9′O clock, we reached there. In a hut, we unpacked our things. My friends decided to go boating, so we hired a boat to take us to Manora Island. We wanted to fish, so we all started with high hopes, but only a small amount of fish was captured. After having enjoyed ourselves on the shore, we reached the island. We had our fish fried and enjoyed a great lunch. We had tea in the evening and had a nice time before sunset.

We were wading in water. Wave after wave came and passed us, finally splashing on the shore. We rode the horses and camels, too, and it was great and exciting. One of my friends had brought his camera along and we clicked many snaps.

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The scene of the sun setting was superb. As the sun sunk, we packed our stuff and, after a few minutes, came back with the memories of the whole day to cure the heart’s desire.

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My School Picnic Essay

School picnics are full of with great fun. Just like our school friends and experiences we have during our school life the memories of school picnics are also one to be cherished for a lifetime. I have been lucky to have gone on numerous school picnics and made several memories.

The amount of fun we have on school picnics is simply unmatched. We cannot have as much fun on any other outing. Here are essays on My School Picnic of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any My School Picnic essay as per you need:

Long and Short Essay on My School Picnic in English

We have provided below Long and Short Essay on My School Picnic in English. The My School Picnic Essay have been written in simple and easy to understand English language to make the reading pleasurable.

After reading the essays you will know the meaning of school picnic, the activities involved in a school picnic, advantages of school picnic and how to ensure safety of self and others on a school picnic etc.

These essays will also be proved helpful whenever you are asked to write an essay or give a speech on “School Picnic”.

Essay on My School Picnic – Essay 1 (200 words)

It was the first day in school after first term examination when school picnic for this year was announced in the class. Everyone has been excited since then. This year’s picnic was destined to be at Vananchal resort which is located in the forest of Jambughoda. Luckily for me and my group permission of our parents has never been a problem, so we were set to go since the day of announcement.

It was a cold winter morning, the school bus departed at sharp seven in the morning. Almost two hour long route to the resort felt like a matter of few minutes as we played fun games with fellow classmates. We reported to the resort at around 9, we were all provided welcome drinks. Then we left for nature walk where we saw varied types of trees and birds. After the nature walk it was time for the most exciting part of the picnic.

Yes! It was pool time which unfortunately couldn’t last whole day. That’s the thing about pool, no matter how long you get to be in it, it’s never enough. Then we had lunch, followed by some fun activities such as rappelling and zip-line which too was fun. The time passed so soon that we couldn’t even realize the day was over. This was indeed a day I’ll cherish for a long time.

Essay on School Picnic to Water Park – Essay 2 (300 words)


“Picnic”, a day every student in the school is eagerly awaits the whole year. This year’s school picnic was to be held at Splash Water Park which was at three hour’s drive from our school. Everyone from my class was showing up for the picnic expect for one of my friend Kashyap who unfortunately was out of station on the day of picnic to attend some family function.

School Picnic to Water Park

On the day of the picnic unlike every other day we reported to the school earlier than our regular timings, due to excitement, obviously! Our class was divided into four groups of ten students each. Each group had one leader to watch upon the respective team members. I was the captain of our group.

We reached the destination at 10am and were given half an hour to collect our swim suits take a shower and get ready for the real fun. Water Park was full of amazing water rides namely Demon’s hole, lazy river, Amazonia, free fall, loop hole, etc. Demon’s hole and Amazonia were my favourite. Demon’s hole was a dark cylindrical water slide with utterly thrilling twists and turns and Amazonia was a super large water slide which took us through an artificially created jungle, which gave a feel of passing through the streams in Amazon rain forests.

In lunch, we were served lip-smacking Punjabi food with gulab jamuns in dessert. Then, there was a wave pool, besides which there was a beautiful artificial waterfall. We checked out from the park at 5pm in the evening and returned to our school at around eight.

I remember almost nothing from the return journey as we were all tired till the end of the day. Our legs were paining as they had exercised hard while climbing those steps for the slides, and thus out of exhaustion almost everyone was asleep in the bus while returning. It was a day well spent.

Essay on School Picnic to Amusement Park – Essay 3 (400 words)

Amusement park have always been my favourite destination for a day out. To my delight this year’s school picnic was destined to Essel world. This picnic meant a lot as it was our tenth standard and maybe was the last year together in school. Next year I and my friends will be in different streams. We had every hope to make this one memorable so that we bid goodbye having loads of happy memories.

School Picnic to Amusement Park

Sleepless night has always been a pre-picnic symptom for me. I could never sleep until late at night before picnic out of thoughts of how amazing the following day would be. The way from school to the amusement park was quite a long one during which we played dumb charades and truth and dare to kill time.

We were dropped at a place via bus from which we had to check in a boat to further reach the amusement park. From the boat we could see a ride called Shot-N-Drop. We could hear the shouts of people enjoying the ride and could feel the thrill from the boat itself. It was our day today, maybe the last one with our people, and we had to make the most out of it. So, without even wasting a minute we rushed into the park to gain the most out of it.

Today, I don’t remember every ride we had been on, but I still remember the butterflies in my stomach when a ride named thunder swung us all from one side to the other, those moments of thrill and fear when Shot-N-Drop had us on free fall, those goose bumps when Top-Spin whirled us round, those stupid laughs when our dashing cars dashed into others, that joy of finally making out of Alibaba’s mirror maze and that tingling moment when Aqua-dive splash splashed upon us the droplets of cold water.

The happiness that we gained in the most simple things in life, bursting into laughter after playing pranks on our fellow classmates and that momentary anger of the one who had been pranked, those tired yet smiling faces at the end of the day and many more tingling moments are the memories to cherish forever.

Memories of this day will always hold a cosy corner in my and all our hearts. Somewhere I still wish if I could go back to this day again and feel that same thing with those same people all over again.

Essay on School Picnic to Zoo – Essay 4 (500 words)

I was in standard 3 rd when my school had arranged a picnic to Kamla Nehru zoo situated besides Kankaria Lake, Ahmedabad. Being a kid, I was extremely excited for the picnic. A day before picnic I went to the nearby shop with my father to buy some snacks for the picnic. I bought a packet of chips, cookies, soya sticks and few packets of chewing gum.

My School Picnic to Zoo

This was probably the only day in the whole year when I would pack my things up the previous night, obviously because I didn’t want to get late on the picnic day. After making my things ready I made a conference call with my friends. We discussed about how excited we all were for our picnic. We fixed the time we were going to catch up the next day.

I was up before the alarm despite not being able to sleep until late at night. I got to school at around 7am in the morning, half an hour prior to the reporting time. We had to be in pair on this day, which was decided on the basis of roll numbers, luckily for me I partnered up with Manan whose number was right next to me. Singing, dancing, playing we travelled the road till the destination. We were served ice-cream as soon as we got there. We were all excited to step in the zoo.

First of all we had to enter the bird section where we saw a number of varied and beautiful birds. Toucan, a black and yellow coloured bird with a large beak, kingfisher a little bird with most vivid colours, Hornbill a beautiful bird with a horn like thing on its head and albatross a fine white and black coloured with aquatic habitat were some of the birds we saw. We also saw deer, hippopotamus, fox, wolf, alligator, crocodile, wild ass, yellow python snake, bear and many more. But our favourite ones were still left, where we had to visit after the lunch.

Finally, after the lunch it was the time for which we were all so excited about – to see the fastest animal cheetah, the national animal tiger and of course the king of the jungle, lion. We also saw jaguar and leopard. We were done with the zoo at around 3 in the afternoon, and we had time until 5 pm so the teachers decided to take us all to have a look around at Kankaria Lake. It was a beautiful place.

We sat on a mini toy train there which took us on a ride around the lake. After everyone completed the ride, it was almost 5 which was the time to leave for home. Teachers started counting the number of students, which brought them to the conclusion that one kid from our class has been missing. The teachers panicked however they were finally able to find Hussain, the lost one after 10 minutes of search operation.

Today, it might be a mere picnic to a zoo, but when I remember back I realized how these little things used to make me happy.

Essay on School Picnic to Kidzania – Essay 5 (600 words)

School trips are the most awaited ones. They not only give us a long break from our monotonous lives but also bring lots of memories. Last year, I went to Kidzania for the school trip and here are my experiences from that trip.

My School Picnic to Kidzania

Our day at Kidzania began at 9 in the morning. I was stunned looking at this wonderful place which was actually a city which we have all dreamt about. It was clean, had well organized buildings, well developed roads, factories, police station, grocery shops, trees and everything that is present in a well developed city. The day began with Kidzania theme song where all the staff members dance and welcome the kids and their parents.

Just as every country has its own currency; Kidzania also has its own currency named Kidzos. After entering every child is given a cheque of 50 Kidzos which he/ she can withdraw whenever needed to enjoy the activities in the Kidzania world.

There were different buildings build for different purposes. There were offices, factories and many other places where we can work and get salary in Kidzos. The kids are divided in different groups for different jobs as per their age. First of all, I and my friends went to the dentist and learnt some skills for removing the tooth having cavities. Not only this, we also did check up of other kids with different instruments. At the end of that, the head dentist made us understand about how crucial it is to do proper brushing. After that, we went to the bakery and made our very own delicious donuts.

We also did the wall painting on a very huge wall besides the road. Then, we got to know that there is a fashion show and we can walk on the ramp wearing those beautiful clothes. I and my friends couldn’t control our excitement and we immediately went for that. We walked through the ramp and it was an amazing experience. To our excitement, we saw an ice cream parlour next to that building. Going inside we realized that we can make our own ice cream, of whichever flavour we like. Similarly, there was a Kinder Joy factory where we made Kinder Joy and a Kellogs factory where we made Chocos.

Not just work, there were buildings in which there were classes to learn dance, play guitar, drums and flute, and also sing. So, we tried out almost everything we could. I learnt few notes on guitar and that was my first time on any musical instrument. After learning all this new stuff, we thought to try our hands on gadgets also. So, we went to the gadget store nearby where we were given information about the technology used in mobile phones and laptops. It was real fun.

To end our tour, there was a series of folk dances and music where all the kids had prepared something of their own for the entertainment of the audiences. I was also a part of a group with whom I performed Bhangra. This made us interact with other kids more and that is where I made my new friends who were basically from Amritsar, my birth place. All of the shows, including the singing event, helped us know how amazingly talented other kids were. After all of this there was a thank you speech by the staff members with whom we were also connected now.

All of this experience of being part of this amazing world was beyond words. It was the world where we not just used the amenities but also helped in creating them. The joy of making something on your own was just beyond words. Every kid should once visit Kidzania in their childhood and make long lasting memories there.

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Essay on a Picnic I Enjoyed the Most [PDF]

We love to go outstation for spending a holiday or a picnic, today in this essay paper I am gonna discuss on a visit to a picnic which I enjoyed the most, so let’s dive into the essay.

essay on a picnic I enjoyed most feature image

Please change you destination accordingly in this article I mention a Stanley Park in Vancouver, you may change or put your picnic spot accordingly.

“Kids, we are going on a picnic” Those words always brought to attention and sent excitement through our bodies. A picnic for us was a chance to escape the city life and get out into the fresh air with lots of room to roam.

We were double excited when we were told we would be going to Stanley Park in Vancouver. This was a great park with lots of things for kids to do. Once everything was gathered together and the food prepared, Dad packed the car and we were off for the day.

Our picnics lasted a long time especially when it was held at Stanley Park. Normally the park’s parking lot is full but this time we got off early enough to have our choice of parking spaces. The picnic was getting off on a good foot because Dad was not frustrated by a lack of parking spots.

Walking through the tall fir trees made us feel like we were walking through a forest. The sun was kept away while still providing us with enough light to enjoy our picnic spot. The grassy field was smooth as a well-kept carpet.

It didn’t take us long to scatter after we had found our picnic spot. Mom and Dad, as usual, stayed by the blanket and food, enjoying their quiet break from us kids. We had a couple of hours before the food was going to be brought out.

That gave us time to explore the wonderful sites and all us kids would be back on time as no one wanted to miss out n the special picnic food our parents had brought. All morning we hiked the different trails, stopping long enough to peak out between the giant fir trees to see the city around us.

The majestic North Shore mountains mesmerized us as they stood like silent guardians over North Vancouver. Their still snow-capped peaks hinting that winter fun is coming up.

Then we turned our eyes to the waters of Burrard Inlet. There along the glistening waves were many boats gliding to their destinations. They were as free as we were even if it was for only a short time.

After we got tired of looking at the scenery, we headed towards the mini train. Its ride may not have been long but we got to see a lot of interesting sites, like tame wild animals in their natural surroundings.

The train ride lasted only about 10 minutes but it seemed like an hour. There was just so much to see and take in one ride just did not do the tour justice. When the ride was over we continued to walk the different trails enjoying the freedom from the city. Everything was fresh and pure.

It didn’t take us long to reach Lost Lagoon and its totem pole treasures. Carved by local Indian tribes long ago, these totem poles told everyone a history lesson about the Indians who carved them.

Each face and animal had its own important significance. Brightly colored these totem poles stood strong reminding us to never waver even when storms appear on our horizon.

Finally, it was time to eat and all of us kids hurried to our picnic site. The food was just being placed on the blanket and we kids did not hesitate to grab our share. All of our favorites were there and the food did not last long. Not with 3 hungry kids devouring it all.

After lunch, our parents took their usual picnic nap while we kids went off to find some adventure. We went to the zoo, it was still there when I was young, and the aquarium. As we looked at each animal we conjured up daydreams of what it would be liked living in a time before our parent’s day.

When it came time to go home, I walked slowly, not wanting to lose one minute of this special day. We do not get to Stanley Park very often and I wanted to make the most of it.

I hope you like my writing on “a Picnic I Enjoyed”. Feel free to comment on your thoughts regarding this essay. I would love to hear from you!

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Essay on School Picnic for Children and Students in English

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School picnics are full of with great fun. Just like our school friends and experiences we have during our school life the memories of school picnics are also one to be cherished for a lifetime. I have been lucky to have gone on numerous school picnics and made several memories.

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The amount of fun we have on school picnics is simply unmatched. We cannot have as much fun on any other outing. Here are essays on My School Picnic of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any My School Picnic essay as per you need:

Long and Short Essay on School Picnic in English

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We have provided below Long and Short Essay on My School Picnic in English. The My School Picnic Essay have been written in simple and easy to understand English language to make the reading pleasurable.

After reading the essays you will know the meaning of school picnic, the activities involved in a school picnic, advantages of school picnic and how to ensure safety of self and others on a school picnic etc.

These essays will also be proved helpful whenever you are asked to write an essay or give a speech on “School Picnic”.

Essay on School Picnic 200 words

It was the first day in school after first term examination when school picnic for this year was announced in the class. Everyone has been excited since then. This year’s picnic was destined to be at Vananchal resort which is located in the forest of Jambughoda. Luckily for me and my group permission of our parents has never been a problem, so we were set to go since the day of announcement.

It was a cold winter morning, the school bus departed at sharp seven in the morning. Almost two hour long route to the resort felt like a matter of few minutes as we played fun games with fellow classmates. We reported to the resort at around 9, we were all provided welcome drinks. Then we left for nature walk where we saw varied types of trees and birds. After the nature walk it was time for the most exciting part of the picnic.

Yes! It was pool time which unfortunately couldn’t last whole day. That’s the thing about pool, no matter how long you get to be in it, it’s never enough. Then we had lunch, followed by some fun activities such as rappelling and zip-line which too was fun. The time passed so soon that we couldn’t even realize the day was over. This was indeed a day I’ll cherish for a long time.

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Essay on School Picnic to Water Park 300 words

“Picnic”, a day every student in the school is eagerly awaits the whole year. This year’s school picnic was to be held at Splash Water Park which was at three hour’s drive from our school. Everyone from my class was showing up for the picnic expect for one of my friend Kashyap who unfortunately was out of station on the day of picnic to attend some family function.

School Picnic to Water Park

On the day of the picnic unlike every other day we reported to the school earlier than our regular timings, due to excitement, obviously! Our class was divided into four groups of ten students each. Each group had one leader to watch upon the respective team members. I was the captain of our group.

We reached the destination at 10am and were given half an hour to collect our swim suits take a shower and get ready for the real fun. Water Park was full of amazing water rides namely Demon’s hole, lazy river, Amazonia, free fall, loop hole, etc. Demon’s hole and Amazonia were my favourite. Demon’s hole was a dark cylindrical water slide with utterly thrilling twists and turns and Amazonia was a super large water slide which took us through an artificially created jungle, which gave a feel of passing through the streams in Amazon rain forests.

In lunch, we were served lip-smacking Punjabi food with gulab jamuns in dessert. Then, there was a wave pool, besides which there was a beautiful artificial waterfall. We checked out from the park at 5pm in the evening and returned to our school at around eight.

I remember almost nothing from the return journey as we were all tired till the end of the day. Our legs were paining as they had exercised hard while climbing those steps for the slides, and thus out of exhaustion almost everyone was asleep in the bus while returning. It was a day well spent.

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Essay on School Picnic to Amusement Park 400 words

Amusement park have always been my favourite destination for a day out. To my delight this year’s school picnic was destined to Essel world. This picnic meant a lot as it was our tenth standard and maybe was the last year together in school. Next year I and my friends will be in different streams. We had every hope to make this one memorable so that we bid goodbye having loads of happy memories.

School Picnic to Amusement Park

Sleepless night has always been a pre-picnic symptom for me. I could never sleep until late at night before picnic out of thoughts of how amazing the following day would be. The way from school to the amusement park was quite a long one during which we played dumb charades and truth and dare to kill time.

We were dropped at a place via bus from which we had to check in a boat to further reach the amusement park. From the boat we could see a ride called Shot-N-Drop. We could hear the shouts of people enjoying the ride and could feel the thrill from the boat itself. It was our day today, maybe the last one with our people, and we had to make the most out of it. So, without even wasting a minute we rushed into the park to gain the most out of it.

Today, I don’t remember every ride we had been on, but I still remember the butterflies in my stomach when a ride named thunder swung us all from one side to the other, those moments of thrill and fear when Shot-N-Drop had us on free fall, those goose bumps when Top-Spin whirled us round, those stupid laughs when our dashing cars dashed into others, that joy of finally making out of Alibaba’s mirror maze and that tingling moment when Aqua-dive splash splashed upon us the droplets of cold water.

The happiness that we gained in the most simple things in life, bursting into laughter after playing pranks on our fellow classmates and that momentary anger of the one who had been pranked, those tired yet smiling faces at the end of the day and many more tingling moments are the memories to cherish forever.

Memories of this day will always hold a cosy corner in my and all our hearts. Somewhere I still wish if I could go back to this day again and feel that same thing with those same people all over again.

Also Check: My School Paragraph

Essay on School Picnic to Zoo 500 words

I was in standard 3 rd when my school had arranged a picnic to Kamla Nehru zoo situated besides Kankaria Lake, Ahmedabad. Being a kid, I was extremely excited for the picnic. A day before picnic I went to the nearby shop with my father to buy some snacks for the picnic. I bought a packet of chips, cookies, soya sticks and few packets of chewing gum.

My School Picnic to Zoo

This was probably the only day in the whole year when I would pack my things up the previous night, obviously because I didn’t want to get late on the picnic day. After making my things ready I made a conference call with my friends. We discussed about how excited we all were for our picnic. We fixed the time we were going to catch up the next day.

I was up before the alarm despite not being able to sleep until late at night. I got to school at around 7am in the morning, half an hour prior to the reporting time. We had to be in pair on this day, which was decided on the basis of roll numbers, luckily for me I partnered up with Manan whose number was right next to me. Singing, dancing, playing we travelled the road till the destination. We were served ice-cream as soon as we got there. We were all excited to step in the zoo.

First of all we had to enter the bird section where we saw a number of varied and beautiful birds. Toucan, a black and yellow coloured bird with a large beak, kingfisher a little bird with most vivid colours, Hornbill a beautiful bird with a horn like thing on its head and albatross a fine white and black coloured with aquatic habitat were some of the birds we saw. We also saw deer, hippopotamus, fox, wolf, alligator, crocodile, wild ass, yellow python snake, bear and many more. But our favourite ones were still left, where we had to visit after the lunch.

Finally, after the lunch it was the time for which we were all so excited about – to see the fastest animal cheetah, the national animal tiger and of course the king of the jungle, lion. We also saw jaguar and leopard. We were done with the zoo at around 3 in the afternoon, and we had time until 5 pm so the teachers decided to take us all to have a look around at Kankaria Lake. It was a beautiful place.

We sat on a mini toy train there which took us on a ride around the lake. After everyone completed the ride, it was almost 5 which was the time to leave for home. Teachers started counting the number of students, which brought them to the conclusion that one kid from our class has been missing. The teachers panicked however they were finally able to find Hussain, the lost one after 10 minutes of search operation.

Today, it might be a mere picnic to a zoo, but when I remember back I realized how these little things used to make me happy.

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Essay on School Picnic to Kidzania 600 words

School trips are the most awaited ones. They not only give us a long break from our monotonous lives but also bring lots of memories. Last year, I went to Kidzania for the school trip and here are my experiences from that trip.

My School Picnic to Kidzania

Our day at Kidzania began at 9 in the morning. I was stunned looking at this wonderful place which was actually a city which we have all dreamt about. It was clean, had well organized buildings, well developed roads, factories, police station, grocery shops, trees and everything that is present in a well developed city. The day began with Kidzania theme song where all the staff members dance and welcome the kids and their parents.

Just as every country has its own currency; Kidzania also has its own currency named Kidzos. After entering every child is given a cheque of 50 Kidzos which he/ she can withdraw whenever needed to enjoy the activities in the Kidzania world.

There were different buildings build for different purposes. There were offices, factories and many other places where we can work and get salary in Kidzos. The kids are divided in different groups for different jobs as per their age. First of all, I and my friends went to the dentist and learnt some skills for removing the tooth having cavities. Not only this, we also did check up of other kids with different instruments. At the end of that, the head dentist made us understand about how crucial it is to do proper brushing. After that, we went to the bakery and made our very own delicious donuts.

We also did the wall painting on a very huge wall besides the road. Then, we got to know that there is a fashion show and we can walk on the ramp wearing those beautiful clothes. I and my friends couldn’t control our excitement and we immediately went for that. We walked through the ramp and it was an amazing experience. To our excitement, we saw an ice cream parlour next to that building. Going inside we realized that we can make our own ice cream, of whichever flavour we like. Similarly, there was a Kinder Joy factory where we made Kinder Joy and a Kellogs factory where we made Chocos.

Not just work, there were buildings in which there were classes to learn dance, play guitar, drums and flute, and also sing. So, we tried out almost everything we could. I learnt few notes on guitar and that was my first time on any musical instrument. After learning all this new stuff, we thought to try our hands on gadgets also. So, we went to the gadget store nearby where we were given information about the technology used in mobile phones and laptops. It was real fun.

To end our tour, there was a series of folk dances and music where all the kids had prepared something of their own for the entertainment of the audiences. I was also a part of a group with whom I performed Bhangra. This made us interact with other kids more and that is where I made my new friends who were basically from Amritsar, my birth place. All of the shows, including the singing event, helped us know how amazingly talented other kids were. After all of this there was a thank you speech by the staff members with whom we were also connected now.

one-stop-solutions school exam

All of this experience of being part of this amazing world was beyond words. It was the world where we not just used the amenities but also helped in creating them. The joy of making something on your own was just beyond words. Every kid should once visit Kidzania in their childhood and make long lasting memories there.

Essay on School Picnic FAQs

How do you write a school picnic essay.

To write a school picnic essay, start with an introduction, describe the picnic's location and activities, share your experiences, and end with a conclusion.

How would you describe a school picnic?

A school picnic is an outdoor trip where students and teachers visit a park or another place for fun, games, and bonding.

Why picnic is important in school life?

Picnics are important in school life as they promote teamwork, social interaction, and relaxation while learning about nature and history.

How do you write a school picnic paragraph?

To write a school picnic paragraph, briefly introduce the picnic, describe the location, mention activities, and express your feelings.

How do you write a picnic essay?

To write a picnic essay, begin with an introduction, describe the picnic's setting and activities, share your experiences, and conclude with your thoughts.

What is a school picnic in English?

In English, a school picnic is a special outing where students and teachers enjoy outdoor activities together.

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    May 21, 2024 · Picnic came into the civilized life as an outing for the enjoyment of a menu at a definite venue.Here is an Essay on Picnic for all Class Students of 6,7,8,9, 10.

  7. Essay on A Picnic With Friends For Students and Children

    Jan 6, 2021 · A picnic is a great stress buster. It helps to alleviate the stress and anxiety related to studies and other issues in the family. It takes you away from the boring routine of everyday life. It produces a comforting effect and brings beauty to life.

  8. Essay on My School Picnic for Children and Students in English

    These essays will also be proved helpful whenever you are asked to write an essay or give a speech on “School Picnic”. Essay on My School PicnicEssay 1 (200 words) It was the first day in school after first term examination when school picnic for this year was announced in the class. Everyone has been excited since then.

  9. Essay on a Picnic I Enjoyed the Most [PDF] - English Compositions

    We love to go outstation for spending a holiday or a picnic, today in this essay paper I am gonna discuss on a visit to a picnic which I enjoyed the most, so let’s dive into the essay. This Essay is Formatted For Class 5 | Class 6 | Class 7 | Class 8 | Class 9 | Clss 10 | Class 11 | Class 12

  10. Essay on School Picnic for Children and Students in English

    These essays will also be proved helpful whenever you are asked to write an essay or give a speech on “School Picnic”. Essay on School Picnic 200 words. It was the first day in school after first term examination when school picnic for this year was announced in the class. Everyone has been excited since then.